
mall night with chalkboard wall

ülemiste mall re-opened on thursday after a lot of rebuilding and designing. on wednesday evening, a friend called and asked me whether i could help Toit's out by drawing something on a pretty big wall they had painted with chalkboard paint. after seeing a photo of the wall i didn't really think it was possible since 1) i was at work at that moment and was to be at work the next morning as well and 2) i couldn't predict how much time it would take me. no time to plan anything out but for some weird reason i decided i will do this haha. 

luckily i have my supermegaloving boyfriend who joined me and eventually we filled it out together. we yawned and drew and climbed around the place and drew some more and drank coffee and yawned but by 3am we managed to finish : ) i'm sure i could've made it even more awesome and neater and stuff but on such short notice i think it came out pretty sweet. here's a ton of pictures:

the new Toit's is pretty cool, the biggest one they have made yet - i won't be eating often there probably because Toit's City is right next to my office in the city center but i advise you check them out if you haven't yet : >


it's just childish. kauai


i cannot even comprehend the music that donald glover aka childish gambino has brought to us in the past few years. i have never been a crazy fangirl type, but i would sure as hell jump in the front row of his gig screaming "bino bae i know all your lyrics!!". i love the honesty, i love the soul, his lyrical style and the beats. i think it's love, because it feels like love to me. "kauai" will leave me harassing the repeat button for a while, again. riding my bike in the morning to work with "retro" playing was truly mellow. also shoutout to jayden smith ha


hey heatless curls are cool


 putting pictures of legs and hair in the same post is totally alright because my way

i'm constantly trying out ways to tie my hair for the night. i don't like the curls that my hair gets from regular braids; leaving them open or in a ponytail isn't good either because then there will be a loooot of combing in the morning. my hair is naturally pretty oily plus they're very processed which makes that situation worse - so i usually have the temptation to wash it in the mornings which gives it a chance to stay nice and clean for two days, if i'm lucky. problem is when i leave in the morning, they will still be wet from washing which often leaves me hair-do-less for the day. i like messy hair but after a while it gets kinda depressing - feels like you have no time to take care of yourself and by the end of the day my hair looks pretty raggedy : >  i'm also not a curling iron user - blowdrying and straightening is already enough heat for my hair : < and damn youtube has like a gazillion different videos for how how to tie them.
this time i used this tutorial to twist my hair into two little cute blobs on the sides. it's super easy and only takes a few minutes. i didn't use any product or spray afterwards since that can be counterproductive in my case and my hair is still fluffy and curly after a day at work. i shall recommend you to try this out if you're longing for heatless curls : > if your hair is very eager to get back straight again then it's probably better if you used some kind of hairspray.

ps. don't mind the huge collar, i love stealing my boyfriends clothes


purple rain


wanted to show ya'll my new favourite coat

and then this happened

cheers it's friday
not many words needed


if you need to look nice but feel like wearing pyjamas instead


odd thing is, this particular piece of garment does not belong to me. 

last week i was offered to attend the estonian design gala, on short notice. first thought, surely - "what do i wear aaaah". went to stop by some stores with no luck. fortunately i have the awesomest colleague who let me borrow something from her and i ended up wearing the most comfortable thing ever. everything about it was perfect and i still hope to stumble on something like this myself. i have jumpsuits, but none of them compare to this one. shoutout to kati : >


what effort


not much is


but mostly
we need

a lot

view down

rummu karjäär in september
didn't manage to visit this place during summer,
so we used the last warm weathers to go check it out
worth a little climb

this video is known to sum it up pretty well

it's only tru

steinfuchs / STREET MIRAGE © 2014