
mall night with chalkboard wall

ülemiste mall re-opened on thursday after a lot of rebuilding and designing. on wednesday evening, a friend called and asked me whether i could help Toit's out by drawing something on a pretty big wall they had painted with chalkboard paint. after seeing a photo of the wall i didn't really think it was possible since 1) i was at work at that moment and was to be at work the next morning as well and 2) i couldn't predict how much time it would take me. no time to plan anything out but for some weird reason i decided i will do this haha. 

luckily i have my supermegaloving boyfriend who joined me and eventually we filled it out together. we yawned and drew and climbed around the place and drew some more and drank coffee and yawned but by 3am we managed to finish : ) i'm sure i could've made it even more awesome and neater and stuff but on such short notice i think it came out pretty sweet. here's a ton of pictures:

the new Toit's is pretty cool, the biggest one they have made yet - i won't be eating often there probably because Toit's City is right next to my office in the city center but i advise you check them out if you haven't yet : >

steinfuchs / STREET MIRAGE © 2014